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Useful Links: HigherEdSolo, Pseudo-classes, AIR

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Useful Links: HigherEdSolo, Pseudo-classes, AIR

For a full explanation of the issue with :link and :visited pseudo-classes, read this article: Why the :visited Pseudo-class is Strange. Related Content. Designing the .... Defines when particular selectors match HTML elements. Selectors Level 4, Working Draft, Defined :any-link , :blank , :local-link ... 1

Need some front-end development training? Frontend Masters is the best place to get it. They have courses on all the most important front-end technologies, from.... Declaring the :link pseudo-class before all other pseudo-classes in this category is ... It's useful to exclude elements from a particular selection.. #Input & link related pseudo class selectors. :focus - Defining hover styles for links is great, but it doesn't help out those who used keyboard navigation to get to... 2

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